Saturday, August 6, 2016


And just like that Pippa turns one today! 

The second time around, it really was "just like that." It went by with less worries, stress, and need for control. It was still busy and demanding, yet so SO beautiful.

Philippa, you have impacted me as a mother so much in one short year. I did not know the capacity of my love or the desire I had for a daughter. Your big blue eyes take in the world around you and your face gives away what you think about it. You're quiet, yet are not afraid to let us know what you want. You outeat all of us and I enjoy watching you enjoy each flavor. I love to watch your love, receive your wet kisses, and participate in your contagious giggles. You think you can do much more than you are capable of. You try to do everything the big kids do without fear or hesitation. Although this often becomes a frustration for both of us, I pray that you continue to have that motivation and desire for it will turn into ambition and I know God will use you in big ways for His purposes, little one.